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March 2014

What Else Cesar Millan Taught Me About Medicine

By Health, Medicine, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

It would always catch my attention when I would watch The Dog Whisperer television show and Cesar Millan would help dogs with self esteem problems by having the dog owners walk their dogs like if they were in a dog show. This would keep the dog to walk in a posture of confidence and from going into a posture of fear and self doubt. Walking the dog on a regular basis with its head held high like a confident dog would change the dog’s attitude and help give it confidence over time. One episode I saw, he not only adapted…

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What Happens When Your Back Goes Out?

By Health, Medicine, OsteopathyNo Comments

Imagine you are about to pick up something really heavy. You take a deep breath in and hold it, bend down, grasp the object, and bare down. You grunt as you try to lift the object. Suddenly you feel this sharp excruciating pain in your lower back and even down to your hip that takes your breath away. The pain is so severe that you cannot straighten up. Walking and moving are excruciatingly painful. In the mirror, you look so twisted that you feel like a pretzel. What happened? What happened in this case was that would by trying to…

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Why Do Some Kids Get Chronic Ear Infections In Only One Ear?

By Health, Medicine, Osteopathy, Physical Health3 Comments

Why The Current Idea Just Does Not Work When parents ask their pediatricians why their children get chronic ear infections, the answer is invariably the same. Babies get ear infections because their ear canals are more horizontal than that of an adult. Therefore the fluid cannot drain as well into the throat making the stagnant fluid a breeding ground for bacteria. Sounds reasonable right? I used to think so until I thought about it a little more. Then I had questions that I still felt needed answering. If babies are born with horizontal ear canals, then why do not all…

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