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January 2018

Enhance Your Senses With Synesthesia

By Emotional/Mind HealthNo Comments

Have you ever heard of synesthesia? There is a small percentage of people who perceive their world in a unique way. They combine different senses at a time. For example, when your read this, you may see the words as black print on the page. Some see a different color for each letter. Another example might be seeing colors when one hears sounds. There are many combinations that senses can be combined. Synesthesia allows people who see the world this way to find unique patterns and make connections that others may not be able to. Since 2018 is the “Year…

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Why Are We Diagnosing Tongue Ties With Irrelevant Motions?

By Physical Health, Tongue TiesNo Comments

I have to post this for those who work and deal with tongue ties. I have a question regarding tongue ties. Why do we diagnose tongue ties using motions that are completely irrelevant to the actual tongue function? When we diagnose a tongue tie, we either pull the tongue straight out of the mouth or we put the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth with the mouth open as far as it will go. The problem with either of these methods of diagnosis is that neither one is actually a motion that we do with our…

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2018: The Year of the Mind

By Emotional/Mind Health, Health, Nutrition, Physical HealthNo Comments

This year I have decided to dedicate myself to developing my mind. Thus, I have dubbed 2018 “The Year of the Mind.” I’ve never done a New Year’s resolution and don’t necessarily consider this to be that. Developing my mind beyond anything I ever thought possible will be my focus this year and will continue long after this year. I have spent time developing my mind in the past, but not to the level I’m planning on this year. I welcome those who wish to join me with all or some of the things I’m doing below. Being an osteopathic…

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