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Shin Splints

Are You Hurting Yourself With Each Step You Take? (Part 2)

By Gait, Osteopathy, Physical HealthOne Comment

As I discussed in Part 1 of this series, heel striking during gait is “unnatural” and prevents the body from using its natural shock absorbing mechanisms. Each jarring step can put you one step closer to shin splints. Have you ever had shin splints? If you are or ever were a runner, then you know the pain I am talking about. A sharp pain on the inside and back part of the shin bone that is worse after each high impact step you take. I spent a fair amount of time in college icing my shins as a result of shin splints….

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Are You Hurting Yourself With Each Step You Take? (Part 1)

By Gait, Osteopathy4 Comments

Let’s face it, you walk and run wrong (if you run). I do not say this to be critical of you. It’s not your fault, most people never give any thought to their form as they walk or run on a daily basis. The truth is that with thick padding under our heels, we never learned to ambulate correctly. Every time your heel strikes down with every step, you send a terrible shock throughout your body. It may not cause you direct pain, but chances are it very well could be hurting you and damaging your joints. There is currently not…

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