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July 2014

The Musculoskeletal System Never Acts As An Isolated System

By Health, OsteopathyNo Comments

I remember hearing a cardiologist once say that the cardiovascular system has nothing to do with the musculoskeletal system. I have also heard as much from other specialties during my medical training. This idea of separating systems has become so ingrained in our mentalities, that patients often ask if their problem is caused by a muscle, joint, nerve, tendon, etc. The problem with this mentality is that we are acting as if things actually do act in isolation from each other. In reality, they do not.   We separate systems in order to simplify the complexity of the human body….

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How To Assess The Impact Of A Tongue Tie On Patients: Osteopathic Considerations

By Health, Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy17 Comments

Why The Tongue Is So Important   The tongue is the only muscle, or really group of muscles, in the body that has one freely moveable end. Not only is it attached to most fascial planes directly or indirectly, but it also has attachments on the hyoid bone, mandible, temporal bones, and other structures in the head. Structurally it can affect the digestive tract and respiratory tract. It has innervation from five cranial nerves – the  trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and hypoglossus nerve. The tongue is complex and its involvement in swallowing and speaking are some of the most important…

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