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Tip To Help Relieve Jaw, Neck, And Head Pain

By Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy, Physical Health, Self-HelpNo Comments

This is a simple maneuver that I often give to my patients to help them with jaw, head, neck and even back pain. This should be done 1 to 2 times per day and no more until painful tender spots are gone. Each session should only last a few minutes. Once gone, then it can be done periodically if tender spots return. This does not replace a medical work-up and assumes that you have consulted with your general physician prior to trying this. This works best in conjunction with the Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) patients receive. Step 1: Use the index finger…

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Osteopathy and Sinus Congestion

By Osteopathy, Physical Health4 Comments

Most patients seek out osteopaths for musculoskeletal aches and pains. One thing that many people do not usually think about going to their osteopathic physician for is sinus infections, sinusitis or sinus congestion. Osteopathy was originally used to treat infectious diseases in the 1800’s. Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) can, however, be very beneficial in resolving sinus infections, especially chronic sinus infections. My first personal experience with this was several years ago when I had traveled to take a seminar in Albuquerque. I had started to feel sick prior to traveling to Albuquerque. Once I had arrived, I was feeling very congested…

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