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how do I know if I’m tongue tied

Gravity is not the only reason the tongue and jaw collapse into the airway. Find out more here.

The Fascial Imbalance That Pulls The Tongue Into The Airway

By Osteopathy, Tongue Ties7 Comments
People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea often struggle with their tongue collapsing into their airways during sleep. Sleeping on one's back increases the risk of the tongue and jaw collapsing into the airway.  Much of this blamed on gravity. Gravity is not the sole factor for the tongue falling into the airway. This article will describe another reason that I have discovered that can pull the tongue into the airway during sleep. This factor is not dependent on gravity.  An overlooked component of swallowing is the balance of tension above and below the tongue. During normal swallowing, the front...
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A Unique Test To See If You’re Tongue Tied?

By Health, Physical Health5 Comments

Tongue Tie Q&A with Sarah Hornsby, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist on Facebook Live at 4pm MST December 12, 2017: Register Here I have been studying the tongue ties and the associated anatomy for several years now. After having a frenectomy to release my tongue tie, I became aware of just how much the tongue can affect the rest of the body. One of the things I recalled after having my tongue tie release was how much tension had been taken off the front of my body. Recently I was experimenting trying to understand tongue ties better. While standing, I arched my…

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