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What Else Cesar Millan Taught Me About Medicine

By Health, Medicine, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

It would always catch my attention when I would watch The Dog Whisperer television show and Cesar Millan would help dogs with self esteem problems by having the dog owners walk their dogs like if they were in a dog show. This would keep the dog to walk in a posture of confidence and from going into a posture of fear and self doubt. Walking the dog on a regular basis with its head held high like a confident dog would change the dog’s attitude and help give it confidence over time. One episode I saw, he not only adapted…

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The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy: 3 Health Advantages Related To Your Gut!

By Health, Nutrition, Physical HealthNo Comments

Guest Post By Joyce Rockwood, CCH As a colon hydrotherapist since 1997, the most common question I get asked is “What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?” Truth be told, the list of benefits trails as long as any line at a Bruno Mars concert! So while the following three are just the tip of the iceberg, I believe they’ll be enough to help you understand why an increasing number of people are incorporating this ancient holistic practice to their lifestyle on a regular basis. Colon Hydrotherapy 101: What’s Up Down Below? Colon Hydrotherapy assists your body in eliminating excess…

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Food And Mood: Top Ten Natural Stress Relievers

By Nutrition, Physical HealthNo Comments

Guest Post By Andrea Moss, 1) Hot water: Excellent for settling a stressed or queasy stomach, and for relaxing and cleansing the body by stimulating our intestines and helping move waste out of our body. A simple, magical remedy which works despite its simplicity. 2) Blueberries: These berries are jam-packed with antioxidants, high in fiber and vitamin C, which help your body through the strain of stress. Blueberries’ high amounts of fiber  can help relieve the stomach cramps and constipation that can occur in times of stress. Throw them into smoothies or on top of oatmeal, or eat them…

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