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musculoskeletal system

The Musculoskeletal System Never Acts As An Isolated System

By Health, OsteopathyNo Comments

I remember hearing a cardiologist once say that the cardiovascular system has nothing to do with the musculoskeletal system. I have also heard as much from other specialties during my medical training. This idea of separating systems has become so ingrained in our mentalities, that patients often ask if their problem is caused by a muscle, joint, nerve, tendon, etc. The problem with this mentality is that we are acting as if things actually do act in isolation from each other. In reality, they do not.   We separate systems in order to simplify the complexity of the human body….

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Osteopathic Considerations: What Pain Is Telling You

By Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy, Physical Health2 Comments

Tips For Osteopathic Physicians: Understanding how to interpret the information the body communicates can be the difference between helping a patient get pain relief or leaving them in pain. In this day and age, pain is poorly understood and pain management can be dangerous. Currently, prescription related deaths are higher than cocaine or heroine combined. To understand pain, we have to change the way we think about pain and how we approach it as practitioners. Perhaps we need to look at the bigger picture instead and consider the “forest instead of the trees.” In order to progress, we may need…

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Why Do We Get Knots In Our Muscles?

By Osteopathy, Physical Health4 Comments

I once went to a doctor who did manual therapy to try to get relief for neck and shoulder pain. He worked on it for a while but I had a knot  in my neck that just wouldn’t go away. “Muscles are stupid,” he said, “all we need to do is inject it with numbing medication and the brain will think everything is okay and tell the muscle to relax.” a few hours later when the numbing medication wore off, the knot was still there unchanged. “If muscles are stupid,” I thought, “then that doctor was just outsmarted by a…

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