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Blood flow

The Rule of the Artery: Osteopathic Reflection

By Health, Osteopathy, Physical HealthOne Comment

The rule of the artery is supreme.” Andrew Taylor Still, D.O.   This quote is often mistaken as being the primary principle that osteopathy is based on. Dr. Still, the founder of osteopathy wrote about the importance of other structures and having the whole body in working order. Having said this, he did understand how vital unobstructed blood flow is to overall health. Having unobstructed blood flow generally means all the tissues are in proper working order. Does Blood Flow Matter? Blood flow is highly important for the overall health of the body. The tissues that get the best blood…

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Osteopathic Approach To A Dysfunctional Iliacus Muscle

By Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy, Physical Health7 Comments

The iliacus muscle lies on the inside of the pelvic bones. Although it can be a big factor in low back pain, is seldom evaluated or treated. I have previously written that often times when we treat a dysfunctional psoas major, we assume that we are also treating a dysfunctional iliacus muscle. However, I rarely find that a treatment for psoas major truly does help resolve a dysfunctional iliacus. Although these two muscles share a tendon, they are two separate muscles with separate innervation. It has been my experience that to treat iliacus dysfunction requires a different approach than treating a…

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Osteopathy and Sinus Congestion

By Osteopathy, Physical Health4 Comments

Most patients seek out osteopaths for musculoskeletal aches and pains. One thing that many people do not usually think about going to their osteopathic physician for is sinus infections, sinusitis or sinus congestion. Osteopathy was originally used to treat infectious diseases in the 1800’s. Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) can, however, be very beneficial in resolving sinus infections, especially chronic sinus infections. My first personal experience with this was several years ago when I had traveled to take a seminar in Albuquerque. I had started to feel sick prior to traveling to Albuquerque. Once I had arrived, I was feeling very congested…

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