Imagine you are about to pick up something really heavy. You take a deep breath in and hold it, bend down, grasp the object, and bare down. You grunt as you try to lift the object. Suddenly you feel this sharp excruciating pain in your lower back and even down to your hip that takes your breath away. The pain is so severe that you cannot straighten up. Walking and moving are excruciatingly painful. In the mirror, you look so twisted that you feel like a pretzel. What happened? What happened in this case was that would by trying to…
Imagine you are driving down the street and the “check engine” light comes on in your car. You stop your car, get a piece of masking tape, and cover up the “check engine” light. Now that you cannot see the light, you continue on your way. This is the equivalent to taking anti-inflammatory medications to mask the problem when feeling aches and pains. The ache or pain is your body communicating that something is not right. Taking the anti-inflammatory or getting the anti-inflammatory injection may block the pain but does not address the underlying issue. Without trying to figure out…
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word health is defined as, “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially : freedom from physical disease or pain.” In short, this is saying that health is simply the “absence of disease or pain.” Sounds good right? This definition of “health” is what drives the medical field today. Think about it. The traditional medical approach takes whatever symptoms people have and the medicine given is generally aimed at suppressing the symptoms or simply remove them. Because as long as those symptoms are not present, then one is “healthy.” If you have inflammation, you…
Cesar Millan (a.k.a. The Dog Whisperer) is a person that I greatly admire and utterly respect for what he has accomplished and the value he has added not just to my life, but the life of many. The principles he teaches have helped me deal with not only my dog, but have taught me a lot about life in general. I recently watched a video where Cesar Millan spoke candidly about attempting suicide following the death of his beloved dog, Daddy, and learning his wife, Ilusion, was divorcing him. He reported that upon waking up in a psychiatric ward…
I recently requested to volunteer as a physician at a race. I was told that I could volunteer as a physician but that I could not provide osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) because the tents were not equipped for ‘major manipulations’ and that doing so is contraindicated on the athletes because they mostly have musculoskeletal issues and exhaustion. There are so many parts of this statement that shows ignorance about OMM, what it is, and how to use it. Somehow I do not believe that the same physician above would tell a specialist surgeon, whose specialty of which they have little…
Just because this is a standard practice does not mean it is the best for you and your baby The traditional birthing position, known as the lithotomy position, is not an ideal position for a woman to deliver a baby. The position is standard and almost exclusively used by practitioners. This position is convenient for the physician delivering the baby but can lead to a lot of complications for the delivering mom. The complications may be slowing down the labor to forcing a C-section. The purpose of this post is to challenge the notion that this is the best position…
In 1929, William Garner Sutherland, D.O. presented the idea of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (OCF) also referred to as cranial osteopathy. ‘Craniosacral therapy’ is not the same as OCF and that will be discussed in other articles. OCF has been controversial since its origins for many reasons. OCF was not presented as a separate treatment modality but simply as an extension of the principles of osteopathy as described and taught by Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO, the founder of osteopathic medicine. The new concept that Dr. Sutherland described was called the ‘Primary Respiratory Mechanism’ (PRM) with five components that…
Tips For Osteopathic Physicians: Understanding how to interpret the information the body communicates can be the difference between helping a patient get pain relief or leaving them in pain. In this day and age, pain is poorly understood and pain management can be dangerous. Currently, prescription related deaths are higher than cocaine or heroine combined. To understand pain, we have to change the way we think about pain and how we approach it as practitioners. Perhaps we need to look at the bigger picture instead and consider the “forest instead of the trees.” In order to progress, we may need…
Always question, always challenge “Do you see how this patient’s tibias are bowed out?” asked the doctor.“Yes,” I replied as I ran my fingers along the patient’s shin bones. I was not really sure of what it was I should be appreciating that was significant. Next, the doctor moved one of his hands along the patient’s leg with a light touch as if he was looking for something. Suddenly his hand stopped along the outer thigh. I was not really sure what exactly we were doing. We waited a moment, and then he said, “Ok, now re-check the tibias.” Just…
One of my favorite stories about what Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) can do is the story of a mother of three who had been dealing with urinary frequency problems. This had been an issue for about 10 years and her life revolved around this problem. Headed on a downward spiral, she was unable to get a good night’s rest and was afraid to drive long distances or even go to the movies. Her life revolved around this problem and her frustration mounted as she had been to every specialist and tried every medication her doctor could think of without any…
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