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Why The Traditional Birthing Position Is Not Ideal For A Healthy Delivery

By Medicine, OsteopathyOne Comment

Just because this is a standard practice does not mean it is the best for you and your baby The traditional birthing position, known as the lithotomy position, is not an ideal position for a woman to deliver a baby.  The position is standard and almost exclusively used by practitioners.  This position is convenient for the physician delivering the baby but can lead to a lot of complications for the delivering mom.  The complications may be slowing down the labor to forcing a C-section.  The purpose of this post is to challenge the notion that this is the best position…

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Osteopathy For Natural Pain Relief During Pregnancy

By OsteopathyNo Comments

  Pregnancy can be a very exciting time for an expecting couple. During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many necessary structural and physiological changes. Often times pain is commonly associated with these changes and can linger for many months after delivery. Fortunately, the vast majority of low back pain related to pregnancy resolves within 3 months of delivery. This poses a challenge for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Many medications that would commonly be used to mange these problems are not considered safe during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. In addition the pregnant woman or mothers may not be willing to…

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