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Self-Help Tips For Mild Carpal Tunnel Related Symptoms

By Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy, Self-HelpNo Comments

Introducing The Carpal Tunnel Release Series   Within about a couple months after the birth of my daughter, I noticed that I woke up one night with the first three fingers of both hands numb. I know this is from the median nerve being compressed, the nerve associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. After moving my hands for a bit the numbness would go away. My arms still felt sore and tight and bending my wrists forward would elicit the numbness. The next day I forgot about the numbness until I woke up the next night with the same numbness on…

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Questions About Health? Start With Nature For The Answer

By Health, Medicine, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

These days there is so much conflicting information about health. There are so many different diets, exercise programs, medications, supplements, and more. It can become overwhelming even if you are an expert on health. Since its beginning, osteopathy has looked for answers in nature. In his book Osteopathy: Research and Practice, Andrew Taylor Still wrote, “The Osteopath who succeeds best does so because he looks to Nature for knowledge and obeys her teachings . . .” This is a great place to start and is the standard we should strive for. What Does This Mean? It seems with so many…

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Nutritional And Homeopathic Tips For Back Pain

By Health, Nutrition, Physical HealthNo Comments

Guest post by Natasha Zarrin, H.H.C.   So just about all of us have experienced some type of back discomfort. The reasons are as varied as we all are. Whether it’s chronic or a result of negotiating slippery sidewalks, having this type of irritation is no fun! To alleviate these pains most people would do well to book a bodywork appointment – osteopathic manipulation is particularly effective. In addition, there are other supportive and healing things to consider that are quite simple.   Shedding some weight might be helpful to those who are carrying a few extra pounds which are…

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How Your Glasses Or Contacts Are Causing Headaches

By Health, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

Have you ever had headaches after getting a new eyeglass prescription? Have you ever wondered why you get those headaches? That is what we will explore in this article and some options besides surgery to improve your vision.  In order to understand what happens, we will be operating with the understanding that the bones of the head are capable of moving. More details on that later. Also it is important to understand that with vision, the eyeball will elongate or shorten based on whether you are looking at an object far away or close to you. This is so that…

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Are You Hurting Yourself With Each Step You Take? (Part 2)

By Gait, Osteopathy, Physical HealthOne Comment

As I discussed in Part 1 of this series, heel striking during gait is “unnatural” and prevents the body from using its natural shock absorbing mechanisms. Each jarring step can put you one step closer to shin splints. Have you ever had shin splints? If you are or ever were a runner, then you know the pain I am talking about. A sharp pain on the inside and back part of the shin bone that is worse after each high impact step you take. I spent a fair amount of time in college icing my shins as a result of shin splints….

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The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy: 3 Health Advantages Related To Your Gut!

By Health, Nutrition, Physical HealthNo Comments

Guest Post By Joyce Rockwood, CCH As a colon hydrotherapist since 1997, the most common question I get asked is “What are the benefits of colon hydrotherapy?” Truth be told, the list of benefits trails as long as any line at a Bruno Mars concert! So while the following three are just the tip of the iceberg, I believe they’ll be enough to help you understand why an increasing number of people are incorporating this ancient holistic practice to their lifestyle on a regular basis. Colon Hydrotherapy 101: What’s Up Down Below? Colon Hydrotherapy assists your body in eliminating excess…

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How Your Shoes And Orthotics Are Weakening Your Arches

By Gait, Health, Osteopathy, Physical Health4 Comments

If you are like most people, you probably have weak feet and ankles, but you do not know it. This occurs for two reasons. This post will cover only one of the reasons and the other will be explained in another post. People have a hard time accepting the idea that they could have week feet and ankles. However, the reason and the concept is simple. It is called disuse atrophy. If you have not heard of it, let me explain: Imagine you broke your arm and had a cast put on it for proper bone healing. This cast will…

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The Interrelationship Of Structure And Function: A Progression Through The First Osteopathic Principle

By Health, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

When one first glances at osteopathic principles, there may not seem to be much depth to them. Philosophically there is nothing special about the principles. Actually many who are not osteopathic practitioners agree with osteopathic principles. What separates an osteopathic physician from others who agree with osteopathic principles is the application of the principles. Just like it is important for a runner to understand philosophically the principles of proper running, the philosophical understanding does not help if those principles are not put into place during running. Those who do not apply these principles are like the runner who understands proper…

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Food And Mood: Top Ten Natural Stress Relievers

By Nutrition, Physical HealthNo Comments

Guest Post By Andrea Moss, 1) Hot water: Excellent for settling a stressed or queasy stomach, and for relaxing and cleansing the body by stimulating our intestines and helping move waste out of our body. A simple, magical remedy which works despite its simplicity. 2) Blueberries: These berries are jam-packed with antioxidants, high in fiber and vitamin C, which help your body through the strain of stress. Blueberries’ high amounts of fiber  can help relieve the stomach cramps and constipation that can occur in times of stress. Throw them into smoothies or on top of oatmeal, or eat them…

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What Takes Place During A Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment? Your Questions, Answered!

By Health, Physical Health2 Comments

Guest Post By Joyce Rockwood, CCH Are you one of the many people who has heard about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy and even considered booking an appointment but shied away simply because you weren’t sure what takes place during the colonic treatment? I am here to explain the specifics to you so you can put your fears aside and start reaping the glorious benefits of the missing link in your health regimen – colon hydrotherapy! What Is A Colonic? Quite simply, a colonic, or colon hydrotherapy, is the use of purified water to rinse the colon of fecal and gaseous…

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