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Daniel Lopez, D.O.

Daniel Lopez, D.O. grew up with a lot of pain trying many things that did not help. Realizing that if he could not help himself, he would be unable to help others effectively, he dedicated himself to finding real answers. Since that time, Dr. Lopez has found a unique but powerful style where he has patients from around the country and the world that travel to see him for headaches, TMJ issues, eye issues, neck pain, back pain, and more. Daniel Lopez, D.O. is an osteopathic physician with Osteopathic Integrative Medicine. Prior to that he had a private practice in NYC for 6 years. He is the author of the Amazon best seller "Unwinding the Body and Decoding the Messages of Pain: An In-Depth Look into the World of Osteopathic Physicians and How They 'Magically' Use Their Hands for Healing." He lives in Aurora, CO with his wife and daughters.

A Unique Test To See If You’re Tongue Tied?

By Health, Physical Health5 Comments

Tongue Tie Q&A with Sarah Hornsby, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist on Facebook Live at 4pm MST December 12, 2017: Register Here I have been studying the tongue ties and the associated anatomy for several years now. After having a frenectomy to release my tongue tie, I became aware of just how much the tongue can affect the rest of the body. One of the things I recalled after having my tongue tie release was how much tension had been taken off the front of my body. Recently I was experimenting trying to understand tongue ties better. While standing, I arched my…

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5 Doctors Told Said There Was No Hope For Her Unborn Child

By Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

It’s not every day I post a review a patient left for another osteopathic physician. This story, however, is beyond worthy of sharing because many of us need to be reminded about the potential power of what osteopathy can accomplish. Stephen Myles Davidson, DO is my mentor and colleague. His osteopathic treatments are at another level than anyone else I have met. I heard about it many months ago while talking to him, but now the patient has also shared her story. So often, I read about so many osteopaths and other organizations from around the world who spend their…

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Is It Really Possible Prevent Hair Loss and Regrow Hair?

By Health, Physical HealthNo Comments

I don’t remember exactly when it happened. It was sometime around my late 20’s or early 30’s. I could tell my hair was thinning and I was finding more and more hair follicles on my pillow. I figured the inevitable process of aging was starting. For the next decade or so, the process only progressed. Luckily it happened slowly, but I know the bald spot on the back of my head is growing (just like the number of hairs growing out of my ears). I realize it could be much worse and I never did anything to try to change…

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Solving a Peculiar Case of Pelvic Pain

By Health, Medicine, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments

Pelvic pain is not always what it seems. I recently saw a woman in her early 30’s who had been having pain over her pubic bone region for over a year. The pubic bones are the part of the hip that meet in the front. Her pain started when she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy with her first and only child. Unfortunately over a year later, her pain had not gone away still. She had tried going to a chiropractor and physical therapist prior to seeing me. She said that although the chiropractic treatment had helped, she…

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How to Palpate and Release the Mandibular Branch of the Trigeminal Nerve

By Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments
Introduction One of the most profound places to get the most of your osteopathic treatment to release the cervical spine, thoracics, and other places is to get changes throughout the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve (CN V) is a cranial nerve that can influence much of the body. It is important nerve that provides sensory information for much of the head and face, including the sinuses and tongue. The trigeminal nerve also provides sensory information for the dura of the anterior and middle cranial fossa. Finally, the trigeminal nerve also has a motor component innervating the muscles of mastication (masseter,...
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Why Your Holistic Practice Needs a Specialty

By Financial HealthNo Comments

A business coach once asked me, “What’s your specialty?” “I’m a specialist of the human body,” I replied unwilling to get more specific. As an osteopathic manipulative medicine specialist, we treat the whole person. This is a great philosophy and I no longer can no longer address any particular issue without addressing the whole. However, in terms of trying to grow and market yourself, it will not serve you. It is important to have at least an informal specialty. This is something I struggled with for years. I didn’t want to limit myself to anything because I treat everything. I…

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How to Palpate the Kidneys, Ureters, and Bladder For Osteopathic Professionals

By Osteopathic Techniques, Osteopathy, Physical HealthNo Comments
Sign up below to the "Osteopathic professionals" section to receive more tips and information about upcoming courses to take your osteopathic practice to another level. First Name Email address: List choice Daniel Lopez, D.O. - Personal Health Daniel Lopez, D.O. - Financial Health Osteopathic Professionals Leave this field empty if you're human: In this article, I share a method of isolating the kidneys, ureters, and bladders for osteopathic professionals to evaluate and release them. This can be useful in cases of low back pain, pelvic issues, issues specific to these organs, and more. The final decision on whether applying treatment...
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Evidence the Bones of the Head Move???

By Osteopathy, Physical HealthOne Comment

In his book, Doctoring Data, Malcolm Kendrick, M.D. describes the “white swan hypothesis.” He states that if one’s hypothesis is that “all swans are white,” then as long as that person observes only white swans, he or she strengthens their position and they are correct. However, as soon as that person observes a black swan, he or she must completely reject their original hypothesis and form a new one, or flat out ignore the findings. It’s like saying Bigfoot, Lochness monster, etcetera do not exist. If ever, a Bigfoot was captured, all of us who hypothesized Bigfoot did not exist…

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How You Could Be Sabotaging Your Private Practice

By Financial HealthNo Comments

The first few years of my private practice were easily some of the toughest years of my life. At the worst of it, I hit rock bottom both financially, physically, and emotionally. I got to the point that I could not afford to eat, pay rent, and pay my bills. What I thought was supposed to be the time of my life that I could finally begin to enjoy the fruits of my labor was a nightmare. I felt like I aged several decades in those few short years. It was much harder than any stress of internship and residency….

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How Swallowing Incorrectly Can Affect Your Eyes

By Osteopathy4 Comments

The bones that make up the hard palate also make up the orbit, the eye socket. The maxillary and palatine bones make up the hard palate and also form the floor of the orbit. With an interest in treating the jaw and eyes, I have recently had a curiosity in understanding how tongue thrusting (AKA- reverse or immature swallow) reshapes the hard palate over time and could ultimately affect the eyes. Recently listening to a lecture by Dr. Holly Baller at NEO Smiles (, she was pointing out a case study about a child who after palate expansion had improvement…

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